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woensdag, maart 30, 2005

Palindroomreuma - 2

Gisteravond laat /vannacht hadden we het al over palindroomreuma (ff scrollen daarvoor). Dankzij Evert de Ridder weten we nu ook waarom deze ernstige ziekte palindroomreuma heet:

Op : http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9071/8473/370560.html staat:
Palindromic rheumatism is a rare form of arthritis in which intermittent episodes of joint pain and swelling develop over a short period of time with improvement over a similar period of time. It is thought to be related to rheumatoid arthritis, which eventually develops in one quarter to one third of people with palindromic rheumatism. The name comes from "palindrome," a word or group of words spelled the same backwards as forwards (such as "mom", "kayak", or "Madam I'm Adam"). For people with palindromic rheumatism, the beginning of an attack is the mirror image of the improvement, much as the beginning of a palindrome is the mirror image of its ending.

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